Form Plugins

Carefully integrated JS plugins that will enhance your forms with great features.

Flatpickr Datetimepicker


You can easily change the date format to match your preference

Datepicker Range

A date range mode is available, very useful for booking or calendar web apps


You can also enable a standalone or integrated timepicker

Inline Mode

The plugin also supports an inline mode

Bootstrap Datepicker

Date Formats

You can easily change the date format to match your preference

Date Range

A date range mode is available, very useful for booking or calendar web apps

Inline Datepicker

The plugin also supports an inline mode

Password Strength Meter

Super easy to init and provide info about the complexity of the given password

Bootstrap Maxlength


Check out how many powerful options are availble


You can position the tooltip in different spots


There is support for textareas as well


Normal Select Box

Default select input turns into a searchable and dynamic list

Multiple Select Box

Default multiple select input turns into a tags input

Select2 in a modal

You can easily init it in a modal

Range Sliders

Turn your inputs into modern and clean sliders

Masked Inputs

It enables to easily enter a value following a specific format
